We are all just stories. Stories that are happy, stories that are sad. Stories that are so dull you fall asleep, and stories that keep you at the edge of your seat. Stories that keep you up at night and stories that take you to your dreams. Stories that make you love, and stories that make you hate. You learn from some stories and others are for pure comic relief. Some stories you can share, and others you keep to yourself. Some stories end before they begin, and some stories start and are fated to remain incomplete. With time your story grows, there are plot twists, you see your characters develop, some come and some go. You have the antagonist and protagonist of your story within yourself. You have the trusty side-kicks and the monsters underneath your bed. There are some stories you forget and some stories that are so vivid you never can get it out of your head, your imagination soars with the words that string the tale together. Other stories you recollect, bit by bit, each detail recovered with time. Then there are the stories you wish you could forget, those stories that haunt your every waking moment. The stories that scar you and that make you wish you had never been born. The potential a story has, a story that you know would be great but is cut short because some force out there just doesn't want you to have that happy ending. There are the stories from your past and the stories yet to be lived. Those are the ones you need to watch out for. You never know if you'll have a happily ever after, or something else. But right now you have a to be continued. You have the opportunity to change your story with the next installment. Look back at the old ones, but don't get caught up, look forward to the new ones but don't be too enchanted. Your story is happening right now. This is your story. Your story.