What value does the body have when the mind is so easily seduced?
A kind word, an interesting comment.
An intellectual discussion in a dimly lit room with sweaty bodies around you.
At times the mind is so disorientated that it is seduced with a simple smile.
And the body is ravished.
Now the soul,
When the soul is found.
It isn't that difficult to find.
Usually handed over on a silver platter.
Laid out for consumption.
They take a piece.
Don't like the taste.
And then leave.
Leaving it incomplete.
It grows back.
But so much time elapses.
And it never grows back completely.
It comes to a point where the body is handed over.
The mind is left limp.
The soul hidden away.
There is no forever.
No yours.
Just a simple transaction.
You win, they win.
But do you really win?
Does winning comprise of endless, sleepless nights.
A butchering of your soul which has been left incomplete?
The doubt morphs into a loathing.
A loathing that turns into a passion.
A passion that is ingrained in your very being.
It runs through your veins.
They all want you to be rid of the toxins.
But you grow addicted to them.
So many forms of reform.
None of them seem to be effective.
You walk around in a daze.
Hoping they won't notice.
Self punishment becomes a norm.
You slowly move away from the other solution you have.
But it lingers.
It always will.
You're not a very attractive human being.
Yet you find they are always attracted to you.
Just enough to be intrigued.
Never enough to say.
Some say that people aren't meant to stay.
That it is imperative you accept that people always leave.
That sharing is not losing a piece of yourself.
Bitterness needs to be eradicated.
Snap out of it.
After so many years how do you snap out of anything.
And it's gone.
If only all solutions were that simple.
Seduce my mind and you can have my body,
Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
I've lost my soul. Let's go on a scavenger hunt.