
Sunday, 4 May 2014


When you realize the exact moment everything fell apart, but you don't know why, not for sure.
So you spend hours wondering and analyzing, hoping that somehow you will figure it out and know.
You replay the last few days and try to deconstruct the various interactions you had. The uneasiness and awkwardness, the forced conversation. You can pinpoint the last day that things had some semblance of normalcy. You have the texts messages that prove that things were still okay.
And then there was a break.
A loud crack and everything just broke.
You didn't notice it then.
But now you do.
It was your choice, you are the one who took the first punch.
The fault lines were already showing.
The break was clean and easy.
No harm, no foul.
Everyone goes on living.
You want to make it clear that there is no resentment.
That you just couldn't be a part of it anymore.
That you still care.
You will always care.
Caring doesn't go away.
But it's too late now.
You don't know how they will respond.
You don't want confrontation or rejection.
So go back to wondering.
This is how it is going to be.
This is what is best for you.
To be alone.
To stay away.
They are better off without you anyway.
It is done.
Set in stone.
The End.
It was a beautiful chapter in a not so beautiful book.
Turn the page.
Figure out your next step.
You are the enemy in their story, don't be one in yours.
Accept yourself.
It is all going to be okay.

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