To the daughter I hope will never be born,
The daughter I never want to bring into this world.
The daughter who is better off as just an idea.
The daughter who I have always dreamed of
But would never want to conceive.
Why not a daughter?
What if you have a daughter?
What’s wrong with having a girl?
Are you a sexist?
Do you hate your own gender so much?
Would you bring a daughter into this world?
Would you want your little princess to grow up,
Eyes lurking at every corner,
Catcalls no matter what she wears,
Heart racing after dark,
Always wary.
Would you want to bring her up,
Protecting her as much as you can
Years and years of diligence,
Always warning her to be careful
To never let the old uncles get too close
To never open herself up to the wrong boy
Lest he take away her innocence
A little too soon.
To have a daughter
Would mean to raise her as a warrior
To arm her with weapons
To teach her to always keep her guard up
To train her to always be suspicious,
To finally let go and set her free
To allow her to see the world,
To cry when she comes back
And whispers to you
“He touched me…there.”
“He touched me…there.”
To have a daughter is to see yourself,
With those shining bright eyes
And the same pain you felt
All those years ago
When you told your mother…
“He touched me…there.”
To the daughter I hope will never be born,
I only wish I could make this world
A little better,
A little less frightening.
So you can be born
Because you would be
The most beautiful daughter.
And I could never bear
My beautiful daughter
Being defiled,
The way I was.
I could never bear
The lewd stares
Shifting from my body
To yours.
I could never bear
Watching my little baby
Growing up with
A scarred heart.
To the daughter who I hope will never be born,
This is the only way I know to save you.
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