I would love any kind of feedback. Please note all work is copyrighted. I hope you enjoy. Cheers!
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Overwhelming wave.
This has not been written in recollections. They are truly spontaneous. In a pure form they flow effortlessly. It's all in your brain. Or two tiny cookies that were bombshells for your little nugget of a brain. A wave of happiness washes you on to new shores. A wash of your sensory perception. Trickling down the small of your back, the nape of your neck. Beats bouncing around the empty hall that is your skull. So pretentious. So raw. Which is which. It's all good. Meet the Buddha. Attain the transcendence you will never see with your tongue. This is it. It is this. Sway. Bob. Tremble. An awesome wave. Wave. /\\//\
Saturday, 13 December 2014
Play The Game.
Mind games are not merely games played on your mind through
external forces, but they are games that your mind plays on itself.
One simple picture, that burns an image that lasts a mere 5 seconds can induce a
stream of thought that will go on for a disproportionately longer period, say,
of 5 days. How this one image can propound itself and turn into a series of
images, a television mini series, perhaps a series that even goes on hiatus and
returns 25 years later, is beyond me. Yet, this happens, and will continue to
happen until you bring your brain onto your side, where cookies and hot
chocolate are all the things you think about.
Now if a simple image can escalate into a monolithic figure
eating all the other thoughts out of the recesses of your brain, imagine the
effect of a short question, two words and one mark of punctuation.
You have another 20 days added to your game. What do those
words mean? Was that question directed to me? Was it directed to another girl?
Why did he use that word and not a different one? Is there a covert message
behind a covert question? And it goes on, and on.
Althusser speaks of the moment of recognition, when the
individual recognizes that he has been interpolated into the ruling ideology,
and despite that the individual remains situation in his position. The situation is, according to Althusser,
larger than the individual himself. In this cause, one may realize they are
involved in games of the mind, whether imposed or from within, and the mind
games are the larger situation. Regardless of the act of realization the
individual cannot escape the fact that these games are taking place.
So the only thing left to do…play the damn game.
Play the game so well that you create games that trump the
initial game and knock it out of the playing field. In fact, you have been
playing bigger games without realizing it, you have initiated it and your
foreplay, your unintentional warm up has pushed the ball into play. Once you
realize the whistle has blown, the ball is in your court and you seize it. You
do not wallow in despair, wishing you could push the games out of your mind,
rather you play that game and you win. Win the game. Because winning the game
is the only way you can realize the game and stop it from consuming your life.
Play the game.
Monday, 8 December 2014
The ATM, Red Shirt Guy & Romance.
is something romantic about having a ten minute connection with someone you
will never meet again. And I think that it is that romance that made me feel so
happy inside, that Saturday evening. I was waiting in line at the only
functioning ATM at the market. There were five people in front of me, the woman
from the tattoo parlour, a guy, another guy, second guy is the focus of this
string of words, and two girls carrying Forever 21 bags.
So I
noticed Guy 2, also known as Red Shirt guy, and I glanced at him. I was
tweeting, minding my own business. And one by one people left, and the Red
Shirt guy was standing on the side. So as I got closed to the ATM, only Red
Shirt guy stood between me and my cash but I didn’t know if he was waiting in
life or not. So I asked him, “hey, are you waiting in line?” And he replied,
with a strangely accented voice, something close to a pseudo-American accent,
“Yeah, I have been waiting for quite a while actually. Developing my patience.”
I giggled and murmured something incoherently. Busying myself with Twitter
again, I was surprised when he introduced himself and started talking to me
about my very ‘punny’ sweatshirt, Leave Lit To The Prose. I started explaining
the technical definition of prose and was all smiles. He asked me what I do and
flatly replied with a, “I study literature, third year.” I proceeded to ask him
about his life and he colorfully explained his online marketing business with
the best example he could have used with me, socks.
LOVE socks! People think I’m weird cause they’re like, why do you like socks so
much and I’m like why do you not like socks so much?”
it was, my explosion of feels for socks. And I think he was taken aback,
unfortunately it was his turn and he did offer to let me go first, but I told
him I would push him to the machine. He went, withdrew his money, hair flip and
walked out, smiling and saying “Nice to meet you Sanya.” I replied with an
enthusiastic, “Nice to meet you too!”
was it.
walked out of the ATM cubicle, my mother called, we squabbled about my new
tattoo, and out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the Red Shirt
guy. For a spilt second I thought of going up to him and asking for his number,
but another voice in my head said no. It said, “No, don’t do that, just let it
be, give yourself the fodder for imagining how amazing and fantastic this
stranger may be. Why do you want to ruin what you experienced in the past ten
minutes?” So I didn’t, I joined my friends in Pizza Hut, hurriedly told them
what happened and sat in a daze. Something about the conversation just struck a
chord, in retrospect he wasn’t that impressive, in fact I saw him when I was
leaving the market and he seemed a tad bit creepy. For some reason, that conversation,
waiting for the ATM gave me something. It gave me a strange warm, fluffy sensation
in my brain.
will never see him, I won’t know his name, I won’t know what kind of socks he
wears. And that is all okay.
ATM guy, the Red Shirt guy, thank you so much for that wonderful conversation,
whoever you are, wherever you are, I hope I never see you again because what I
have will only be this amazing if I don’t.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
The chasm
The empty
The vacuous
The void
The void
That grows incessantly
The space
That breaks bounds
The gut wrenching
Sensation that travels up
Up towards your throat
And slips off your tongue.
Tears welling
Hands perspiring
The unthinkable task
Two words
To forever
Negate the three.
It’s over.
Leftovers packed up
Tightly, preventing spillage
No leaks
Sealed off.
Waiting in a cool place
Waiting to be devoured
Growing mould
A hollowed stomach
Nothing that will satisfy
The hunger.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
She is scared.
She is scared of losing
The only being who never made her feel inferior.
The only being who looked past her exterior.
The only being who didn't make her feel less for being a wo-man.
Who immediately saw what was inside and recognised
That her body was not on rent.
The only being who came to stay despite
The erratic construction.
And unstable foundations.
The only being who stopped her from using language against herself.
A being who makes her feel like a hu-man.
The only being who erased the dichotomies.
Who eradicated the dualities.
Who cared for her out of love and not control.
She is scared.
That her insipid errors
Misguided actions.
Will push this beautiful being out the door.
She is scared.
That no building blocks.
Will ever mend what she has demolished.
She is scared.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
One mean offence after another.
You destroy the sacred.
Left with naught.
You whither away, through the night.
Awaken with a cold, numb pain in your bones.
Move with a heaviness in your soul.
Breathe in the grimy air that was once pure.
Your veins pump a poison.
A mind swollen with remorse.
Emptiness pervades your body.
Sinking into a void.
You cannot escape yourself.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
To let go of it all.
To be free of the chains that encumber your movement.
To be rid of the shackles that tie your thoughts together, forcing them to remain tethered to your being.
What some find in numbing the senses and distracting their minds from their torturous selves.
While others find in ripping open their flesh and watching the purgation of sin.
The lack of which pushes you to find solace in others.
Which further pushes you into the giant pit of despair you wish to crawl out of.
Not to be mocked or undermined.
Not to be disregarded.
It is not, as many believe, a practice confined to the weak.
The strongest find themselves clutching at it, masking their true intentions from themselves.
A complete surrender.
Temporary, but perfect, liberation.
Sunday, 4 May 2014
When you realize the exact moment everything fell apart, but you don't know why, not for sure.
So you spend hours wondering and analyzing, hoping that somehow you will figure it out and know.
You replay the last few days and try to deconstruct the various interactions you had. The uneasiness and awkwardness, the forced conversation. You can pinpoint the last day that things had some semblance of normalcy. You have the texts messages that prove that things were still okay.
And then there was a break.
A loud crack and everything just broke.
You didn't notice it then.
But now you do.
It was your choice, you are the one who took the first punch.
The fault lines were already showing.
The break was clean and easy.
No harm, no foul.
Everyone goes on living.
You want to make it clear that there is no resentment.
That you just couldn't be a part of it anymore.
That you still care.
You will always care.
Caring doesn't go away.
But it's too late now.
You don't know how they will respond.
You don't want confrontation or rejection.
So go back to wondering.
This is how it is going to be.
This is what is best for you.
To be alone.
To stay away.
They are better off without you anyway.
It is done.
Set in stone.
The End.
It was a beautiful chapter in a not so beautiful book.
Turn the page.
Figure out your next step.
You are the enemy in their story, don't be one in yours.
Accept yourself.
It is all going to be okay.
So you spend hours wondering and analyzing, hoping that somehow you will figure it out and know.
You replay the last few days and try to deconstruct the various interactions you had. The uneasiness and awkwardness, the forced conversation. You can pinpoint the last day that things had some semblance of normalcy. You have the texts messages that prove that things were still okay.
And then there was a break.
A loud crack and everything just broke.
You didn't notice it then.
But now you do.
It was your choice, you are the one who took the first punch.
The fault lines were already showing.
The break was clean and easy.
No harm, no foul.
Everyone goes on living.
You want to make it clear that there is no resentment.
That you just couldn't be a part of it anymore.
That you still care.
You will always care.
Caring doesn't go away.
But it's too late now.
You don't know how they will respond.
You don't want confrontation or rejection.
So go back to wondering.
This is how it is going to be.
This is what is best for you.
To be alone.
To stay away.
They are better off without you anyway.
It is done.
Set in stone.
The End.
It was a beautiful chapter in a not so beautiful book.
Turn the page.
Figure out your next step.
You are the enemy in their story, don't be one in yours.
Accept yourself.
It is all going to be okay.
Monday, 14 April 2014
All of this may sound cliched. Because everyone writes and talks about their mental illnesses, it isn't a big secret for the world when another young human comes forward to say "Something is wrong with me." They just send them to the doctors, the ones who don't say anything take to substance or self harm. It's something we see so often. Something that has become normal. Some romanticize it, while others mock it, but it is known, it may still be a taboo to some degree, but it is known.
Each of us have our own monsters.
I want to talk about mine.
Mine consumes me. Sometimes I can make it go away, for a few weeks at a time. But it always comes back, at the worst times. And it isn't pretty. It scares me. I'm always afraid it'll show up and then I won't know what to do.
I feel like pulling my hair out, I want to scratch my skin off, I just don't want to be near myself when the monster comes to town.
I cry. I sob. I yell.
I hurt people. I hurt a lot of people. I make bad decisions. I know I am making bad decisions and yet I don't stop myself, and then I feel guilt. So much guilt. A sea of guilt that I just want to drown myself in. Drown myself. I can't even drown myself because I've been a swimmer since I was five years old. I wanted to drown myself since I was eleven.
I've gone for therapy, I've taken pills, I've gone to a healer.
I've made friends. I've had a lot of sex.
I've gotten shitfaced. I've gotten stoned.
Momentary distractions, some not even distracting but instead instigating the monster to come take me.
I don't know if it will ever go away. If I will ever be able to fight it.
All I know is that it takes away a part of me every time it comes to play. And I don't know if I will get to the pieces in time. Sometimes the monster stays for months. Sometimes for a few minutes.
I just want it to leave me alone. But then sometimes I wonder who I would be without it, would I be who I am now?
The problem is, I don't know what is wrong with me. Why the monster exists? Why it wants me so bad? Why do I have to be the victim of it's mind games? And does it not realize that there is collateral damage?
If I could I would kill it. I wonder if killing myself would make it go away. I am not allowed to kill myself. They won't let me. It would put the monster to sleep, but then I wouldn't be left here either.
But isn't it for the greater good? No more damage. No more pain.
I'm just exhausted.
So exhausted.
Fighting a losing battle.
I'll never be alone.
I will always have the monster.
Each of us have our own monsters.
I want to talk about mine.
Mine consumes me. Sometimes I can make it go away, for a few weeks at a time. But it always comes back, at the worst times. And it isn't pretty. It scares me. I'm always afraid it'll show up and then I won't know what to do.
I feel like pulling my hair out, I want to scratch my skin off, I just don't want to be near myself when the monster comes to town.
I cry. I sob. I yell.
I hurt people. I hurt a lot of people. I make bad decisions. I know I am making bad decisions and yet I don't stop myself, and then I feel guilt. So much guilt. A sea of guilt that I just want to drown myself in. Drown myself. I can't even drown myself because I've been a swimmer since I was five years old. I wanted to drown myself since I was eleven.
I've gone for therapy, I've taken pills, I've gone to a healer.
I've made friends. I've had a lot of sex.
I've gotten shitfaced. I've gotten stoned.
Momentary distractions, some not even distracting but instead instigating the monster to come take me.
I don't know if it will ever go away. If I will ever be able to fight it.
All I know is that it takes away a part of me every time it comes to play. And I don't know if I will get to the pieces in time. Sometimes the monster stays for months. Sometimes for a few minutes.
I just want it to leave me alone. But then sometimes I wonder who I would be without it, would I be who I am now?
The problem is, I don't know what is wrong with me. Why the monster exists? Why it wants me so bad? Why do I have to be the victim of it's mind games? And does it not realize that there is collateral damage?
If I could I would kill it. I wonder if killing myself would make it go away. I am not allowed to kill myself. They won't let me. It would put the monster to sleep, but then I wouldn't be left here either.
But isn't it for the greater good? No more damage. No more pain.
I'm just exhausted.
So exhausted.
Fighting a losing battle.
I'll never be alone.
I will always have the monster.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Its in the middle of the night,
When you lay next to the one you love.
Hear them breathe.
Watch them move in their sleep.
Feel their peaceful soul next to yours.
In the middle of the night,
When you release your fears.
You tell the demons to leave just for a few hours.
In the middle of the night,
The cool breeze on your face,
Pull the blanket a little closer.
Turn the music down a little lower.
Close your eyes and let go.
Its in the middle of the night,
When time stands still.
When you sigh and all the toxins are exhumed.
In the middle of the night,
One last kiss.
One last "I love you."
Its in the middle of the night.
When you lay next to the one you love.
Hear them breathe.
Watch them move in their sleep.
Feel their peaceful soul next to yours.
In the middle of the night,
When you release your fears.
You tell the demons to leave just for a few hours.
In the middle of the night,
The cool breeze on your face,
Pull the blanket a little closer.
Turn the music down a little lower.
Close your eyes and let go.
Its in the middle of the night,
When time stands still.
When you sigh and all the toxins are exhumed.
In the middle of the night,
One last kiss.
One last "I love you."
Its in the middle of the night.
Sunday, 9 March 2014
The Beautiful, Collected souls.
In a world where being broken is the norm.
Indifference is the name of the game.
We fend for ourselves.
We fight our own battles.
We love each other, for our own satisfaction.
In a world where you leave them laying in a pool of their own mess.
Man eats man.
Cynicism is the law.
Trapped in a labyrinth you can't get out of.
All you want is to escape.
To lose yourself.
To find a way, to find a meaning.
In a world like this.
To meet Beautiful, Collected souls.
To meet Beautiful, Collected souls is like cool shower on a hot, sticky day.
It is like taking your socks off before going to bed.
Who are these Beautiful, Collected souls?
The people who hold your hair back while you purge yourself of poison.
The people who give you their laps and feed you lemons.
The people who drive out of their way to get you home.
The people who make you toast and tuck you in so you aren't cold.
The people who don't turn their back on you because you are unattractive.
The people who take life when it's raw and don't blur out the ugliness.
The people who make an impression that hits hard and tears you up.
The people who make you believe in humanity.
Who restore your faith.
The people you can feel vulnerable around.
When you are in a world full of darkness, the light is always blinding.
How do you handle it?
How do you deal with the illumination?
Each soul you meet has a story.
And each story has a purpose.
When souls intercept, they can either create a word, a page, a chapter or a book.
Create a series.
The Beautiful, Collected Souls.
Indifference is the name of the game.
We fend for ourselves.
We fight our own battles.
We love each other, for our own satisfaction.
In a world where you leave them laying in a pool of their own mess.
Man eats man.
Cynicism is the law.
Trapped in a labyrinth you can't get out of.
All you want is to escape.
To lose yourself.
To find a way, to find a meaning.
In a world like this.
To meet Beautiful, Collected souls.
To meet Beautiful, Collected souls is like cool shower on a hot, sticky day.
It is like taking your socks off before going to bed.
Who are these Beautiful, Collected souls?
The people who hold your hair back while you purge yourself of poison.
The people who give you their laps and feed you lemons.
The people who drive out of their way to get you home.
The people who make you toast and tuck you in so you aren't cold.
The people who don't turn their back on you because you are unattractive.
The people who take life when it's raw and don't blur out the ugliness.
The people who make an impression that hits hard and tears you up.
The people who make you believe in humanity.
Who restore your faith.
The people you can feel vulnerable around.
When you are in a world full of darkness, the light is always blinding.
How do you handle it?
How do you deal with the illumination?
Each soul you meet has a story.
And each story has a purpose.
When souls intercept, they can either create a word, a page, a chapter or a book.
Create a series.
The Beautiful, Collected Souls.
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
How To Existential Crisis.
Your one-stop, comprehensive guide on existential crises and
how to have one effectively. With easy instructions and detailed descriptions
to ensure just the right amount of angst.
Before you begin, it is important that you set the mood for
a complete experience. Make sure that it is past 1 a.m. and that you have at
least three research papers to complete in the next week, preferably 3,000
words each. You should have spent 2-6 hours procrastinating, on various social
networking websites, prior your existential crisis. It is best to have an
existential crisis when you are extremely exhausted and are alone. Please keep
tissues close by and make sure there are no bright lights on in your
surroundings. It is preferable if you are wearing sweatpants and have not
showered for at least two days. In case you feel faintish it is recommended
that you keep a large jar of Nutella along with a large spoon on your side
table, with a bottle of water. Once you have made yourself comfortable
you may begin. If you have any problems contact 1-800-What-Even.
You may begin by responding to the following questions and
statements, and following the instructions given below.
- Who am I?
- What am I doing with my life?
- Why does everyone suck so much?
- I hate humans.
By this time you should start feeling slight discomfort. Do not try to distract yourself from this pain, it is only the beginning.
- What is the purpose of life?
- Why do I have to do everything just to make money?
- Do I hate what I am doing?
- But I actually love what I am doing?
- Why am I so lazy?
- What is the point of all this?
- Is there even a point to all this?
- What even?
- I don’t even know.
- Am I the only one who feels this way?
- Why does no one love me?
- But maybe they do love me.
- Am I a bad person?
- What is bad?
- What is good?
- Morality.
By now you may be pulling your hair out. You may start consuming the Nutella that you have brought for yourself. - I will never do anything substantial with my life.
- I will amount to nothing.
- I
am just a fat blob who eats a lot of Nutella. Nutella is all I have left.
Continue eating the Nutella, you need it. You may put on some music to help you, if you are feeling particularly despondent you should play music accordingly, similarly if you are feeling anger, metal or rock would be the best choice. Choose what will help intensifying the feelings. - Will I ever get the answers to these questions?
- Does anyone know the answers to these questions?
- I
wonder if the Internet can help.
You can at this point use the Internet to help you get questions, but you may find that the Internet is a disappointment and it will only provoke you into falling deeper into the pit of despair.
Eat more Nutella; continue eating until the jar is over. At this point your stomach and head may both start hurting. Your eyes will be itchy and red. Your nose may start dripping. - I am so tired of everything.
- I am so disgusting.
- I wish it would just all go away.
- Why do I even exist?
Pass out
For best results repeat every few weeks, or every few days.
Disclaimer: You may never get any of the answers and at
times it is better to watch a film, read a book or just talk to your friends.
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