
Tuesday 27 August 2013

So, this was actually a dream I had. I appropriated it into the written word.

She walked into the dark room, her surroundings encased in the color of the void, black. As she reached the middle of the room her eyes fell on an object lying on the cold, stone ground. She walked closer and her eyes opened wide, a dull buzzing filled her ears and she stopped in her tracks. It took her mind a full minute to register what was in front of her eyes.

A body.

Her body?

She couldn't tell who it was, but she knew it was a woman. The face heavily disfigured. Her heart started beating faster and faster. The buzzing replaced in her ears with a stead 'thump, thump, thump.'

She took a step forward, intrigued and terrified.
Then very meager lighting she had to guide her disappeared. And the scream started.

I am a body. I feel trapped. Everything burns. I can see and I can feel but I cannot move. I can feel my blood spilling out of me, and yet I do not die. I wish I could understand what is happening. I wish I could ask for help.

Who is this girl, she looks like I did when I was more.

If only I could scream. I want to put my hand up and ask her to care for me. I want to use my voice and express the agony I am feeling.
At least I can see. At least I can hope. But how much longer will I have to suffer.
I would rather just end it all.
I would rather just die.
Aren't I already dead? 

Why have the lights gone out? And what is that noise? Is it coming from me or her?

The scream subsides and the lights flicker back on. 

Sunday 25 August 2013

Some words.

So we are going to study the poetry of John Donne this semester. And I was just thinking the other day, because sometimes my brain takes long holidays and I stop thinking. And these words seemed to form some sentences. I don't know.

Drink the nectar.
Sweet, sour, tangy, spicy.
Allow each drop to slip down your throat.
Give your tongue the pleasure of enjoying each flavor.
Savor the richness.
Feel the tingly sensation on your lips.
An ambrosia that will never satisfy.
A liquid that will create a burning desire.
Drink the nectar.

It's been a long time. I should start writing again. 
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